Are you sure you want to cancel your order?
✋ Once your order is cancelled, we cannot undo this.
📮 If you just want to edit the delivery address of your package, please click here.
✔️ You cancelation request has been approved. Your order won't ship. We're sad you no longer want us to try helping you improve your sleep ?
✉️ You will be notified by email within the next few days as soon as a member of our team has refunded your order.
If you just changed your mind or want to share anything with us, please send us a message through the above form:
✘ Unfortunately, your order has already shipped. We couldn't cancel it.
No worries though. Our support team just received a notification about your cancelation request. An agent will look into it & will come back to you soon by email. Thanks for your patience ?
If you just changed your mind, or want to share anything with us, please send us a message through the below form:
Why wouldn't you give Dodow a try and start improving your sleep naturally? ?
In any case you have ? days to decide to send it back to us for refund if it doesn't help you.
You can find details about our Returns & Refunds Policy at this link.